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The Music ABC

9 posts

A show highlighting interesting music, one letter at a time.

Episode 3 of ‘The Music ABC’ is out now.

Episode 3 of ‘The Music ABC’ is out now.

Hello my friends. It is with great pleasure that I can share with you the third episode of my side-project; ‘The Music ABC’. This time around, there is a theme to this alphabetical exploration of music and that is ‘Covers’. All the tracks are covers. Some of them you will know, others, probably not.
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Episode 2 of ‘The Music ABC’ is out now.

Episode 2 of ‘The Music ABC’ is out now.

Hello my friends. It is with great pleasure that I can share with you the second episode of my side-project; ‘The Music ABC’.This time around, there is a theme to this alphabetical exploration of music and that is ‘Movement’. All the tracks are, in some form, energetic, dance oriented or just plan forces you to express yourself.
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A brand new music show available now

A brand new music show available now

Hello gang, so here it is, after months of planning and hours of recording, I am pleased to share with you the first episode of ‘The Music ABC‘.I can guarantee you won’t like all the tracks, but that’s not really the point of the show. It’s to broaden your musical horizons and show you the wonderous variety of what is out there. Who knows, you might just discover your, new favourite band.
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