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Colchester Soup
9 posts
I documented the fantastic work done by Colchester Soup. People would come to be fed tasty soup and hear the pitches of worthy causes before voting on who should receive the night’s takings.
Colchester Soup | September 2016
Another portion of Colchester Soup from the archives.
April 12, 2020
4th Colchester Soup Event
The 4th Colchester Soup event which also features a little conversation between myself and Colchester MP Will Quince.
March 21, 2020
3rd Colchester Soup Event
Colchester Soups returns for the third event. This is from the archives.
March 5, 2020
2nd Colchester Soup Event
Colchester Soups returns for the second event. This is from the archives.
March 2, 2020
Who’s looking forward to soup?
It's that time of the month again when we all look forward to some delicious Colchester Soup.I hope to see you this evening, 18:30 at the Hythe Community Centre.
June 8, 2016
Charity Fundraising in Colchester with Colchester Soup
From the archives, it's the first time we visit Colchester Soup and find out about all the good work they do.
September 1, 2015