Recording a Chapter of Billy Bunny

It’s been a little while since I’ve spoken to you. But I’ve got some marginally interesting news, I hope. Many years ago, I told you that I had been recording an audio book and the clickbait title of that transpired into the fact that it wasn’t an audio book I had written. It wasn’t a full on audio book. It was actually me volunteering my time to an organization called LibriVox, which basically takes texts that have become public domain because it’s fallen out of copyright and then turn those into audio books. Now, with the advent of AI and the exponential improvements in text to speech programs, I think we’re getting to a point where they are more palatable to people who want to listen to audio books as opposed to read them. But there is still something unique and familiar and imperceptible about having a human read to you. So I decided to dip my toe back in once again and volunteer my time to record a section of an audiobook. And it’s just been released. I recorded one of the short stories called Billy Bunny, which is a children’s story. So it’s a whole collection of children’s stories. And the Billy Bunny stories is a collection of short stories about obviously Billy Bunny. And I recorded number 30 out of 38 which was called Billy Bunny and the Bat and it was written by David Corey who lived between 1872 and 1966 and I think at the time I’d forgotten just how involved and how seriously the people over at LibriVox take the whole quality and process of recording something which is good really because the idea is to have some level of consistency and quality and assurance for the people who are going to be listening to this so again it was a obviously a time-consuming thing something I enjoyed doing in my free time but just one of those things that if you’ve got the time and want to volunteer your technology your voice and your enthusiasm for creating audio media then I would certainly recommend it. You can find the link to download the complete audiobook in the description for this podcast and just as a little hint I recorded a slightly longer chapter of an intrigue book, a espionage book which I really enjoyed actually and when you volunteer to record just one section of a book and you get very invested in it and really intrigued as to where the story goes you can’t wait actually to listen to the finished product and actually absorb it all as a first-time listener. So I’m really looking forward to when that can be released. And I’ll share that with you. Obviously, there are more exciting things coming in the way of the weave as well. The business that I work for helping entrepreneurs. There is a podcasting course, which I have been putting a lot of time and energy in creating, and I’m really looking forward to sharing that with you. And that’s going to be released very soon. And there is another episode of the Interwoven podcast. So episode 9 was something I was really pleased with, the conversation with Toby Freeman from the Robin Cancer Trust. And the conversation I have in the next episode, episode 10, is with Julie Taplin, who is a nutritionist and somebody who’s very passionate about wellness and people’s well-being. And it goes in a slightly different direction than maybe you would assume. So really looking forward to sharing that with you, which will be out very, very soon. So can’t wait to show that to you. Anyway, thank you very much for listening. I look forward to speaking to you really soon and don’t forget there’s going to be countless other episodes of audio enjoyment for you over at

Speak to you soon.

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Interwoven Episode 9: Awareness and Action: Toby Freeman’s Mission with the Robin Cancer Trust

Interwoven Episode 9: Awareness and Action: Toby Freeman’s Mission with the Robin Cancer Trust

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Interwoven Episode 10: The trepidation of being an entrepreneur

Interwoven Episode 10: The trepidation of being an entrepreneur

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